The language of the event is English
In view of tailored policy-making by EU institutions, this initiative has the scope to high-light the relevance of civil society through its wide articulation of intermediate bodies (companies, financial bodies, professionals, unions, syndicates, unions, third sector entities, local communities, universities, schools, media) in the fight against criminal groups and mafias infiltration in the economy, within a framework of cooperation with Law Enforcement Agencies.
The event focuses on Giorgio Ambrosoli and his human and professional story as a key expression of a long historical cycle in Italy. This period – indicatively moving from 1974 till nowadays – has been characterized by a growing impacting role of intermediate bodies in countering and preventing organized and economic crime, in parallel with the more recognized engagement in this field of public institutions through Parliament, the Judiciary, Law Enforcement Agencies at large, independent authorities.
Giorgio Ambrosoli was murdered on July 11 1979 in Milan by a hitman hired by the bankrupt banker Michele Sindona as part of an international criminal financial affair with significant historical-legislative impacts, in particular on the New York-Milan high profile financial axis.
The figure of Giorgio Ambrosoli ideally dialogues as symbol of civil society with the three iconic Italians expression of Law Enforcement Agencies, already well-known at international level: magistrates Giovanni Falcone and Giuseppe Borsellino and General Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa, emblems of the extraordinary effort made by the Italian LEAs to combat mafias since 1981.
The event high-lights the key role played and being played in Italy since late 70’s by intermediate bodies/civil society till nowadays, through the 78 awardees by the Giorgio Ambrosoli Award and a preliminary reconstruction of the historical period 1982-2024.
AGENDA (subject to final variations)
Institutional Greetings:
Francesco Varriale, Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bruxelles, Console Generale;
Federica Favi, Ambassador of Italy in Belgium;
Mario Carlo Ferrario, President, Premio Giorgio Ambrosoli Foundation.
The role of Giorgio Ambrosoli Award (2012-2024)
Images and videos, including videos of Marshall Silvio Novembre and Mario Sarcinelli, former Deputy Director Bank of Italy.
Flavio Burlizzi, Unioncamere Europa, Director.
The professional experience of Giorgio Ambrosoli through literature, photographs, cinema
Readings from: Corrado Stajano, “Un eroe borghese” (1991), Umberto Ambrosoli, “Qualunque cosa succeda” (2009), Francesca Ambrosoli, “Dolore, orgoglio, memoria” (2022).
Photos by Niccolò Biddau (2012-2019).
Tables from the graphic novel “La scelta” by Gianluca Buttolo (2015).
Scenes taken from the film “Un eroe borghese” by Michele Placido (1995), from 2014 Rai TV series “Qualunque cosa succeda” by Alberto Negrin, from the documentary/theatrical piece: “The price of Courage” (2019).
Videomessage by Annalori Gorla Ambrosoli, wife of Giorgio Ambrosoli.
Civil society’s engagement against organized crime and corruption in Italy: an historical perspective 1982-2024.
Images presented by Paolo Bertaccini Bonoli, Territoria House.
Round Table
David Chikvaidze, former Head of Cabinet UN Segretary General in Geneva;
Kole Gjeloshaj, Université de Bruxelles;
Giulia Ranghiero, DG HOme;
Stefanie Holling, UNODC;
Video messages by: Michl Ebner, Eurochambres, Vice President; Lorenzo Salazar, magistrate;
Nicola Bonucci, former OECD Legal Affairs Head, Rule of Law & Society.
Conduction by Elena Bellistracci, Premio Giorgio Ambrosoli Foundation.
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